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H&M is another store similar to Forever 21

I just go told about a cool store called H&M. They are a pretty awesome swedish owned retail outlet that cater for men, women and children (but mostly for ladies).

 Anyway, I find H&M stores to be very similar to forever 21, by the price of their items, and also by what items they stock.

 If you like the sound of H&M check it out here:


Stores Like Forever 21 - Rue 21!

Rue 21 is another store that I have found that is very similar to forever 21 (it even has a similar name). By the looks of things, Rue 21 has 770 stores (but I have never seen one...) and they also have a great selection on their website.

If you would like to check out rue 21:


Papaya Clothing - Another Store Like Forever 21

Today's store like forever 21 is Papaya Clothing Online. Papaya is very similar to 21 because they provide fashion to ladies of the same age range and same style.

Their clothing is very affordable and they also usually always have a great sale going on.

Check out papaya clothing:


Lulu's is another store like Forever 21

Has anybody checked out Lulu's? It seems to be a pretty cool juniors fashion store (only online).
 I was checking it out a little earlier and it seems to have a lot of styles that are very similar to forever 21. 

They also have free shipping for domestic orders (USA) for purchases over $50 (which is pretty cool).

You can check out lulu's here:


Is Alloy A Store Like Forever 21?

I was talking to a friend about my blog on stores like forever 21 and she told me that I should take a look at Alloy.

At first I didn't know what the heck was going on because Alloy doesn't even seem like an online clothing store at first glance (it kind of looks like a fun celeb mag or something).

But then I had a closer look and I can see that they have a really cool shop their with nice items.

Check it out here: The Alloy Store


Welcome to Stores Like Forever 21!

Hi guys, Welcome to the Blog!

Basically I am a big fan of shopping online (it is way cheaper and you can shop around a lot easier), and one of my favorite places to shop is forever 21.

I am making this blog to record all of the shopping websites like forever 21 that I find and what I think of them.

So far I have a couple of stores in mind that I will be checking out first, but if you have any suggestions for me, please feel free to comment!

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